The GlomCon Network is a free community resource for patients, caregivers, and kidney disease specialists and nephrology trainees.

Employees in the pharmaceutical industry, biotech, marketing and advertisement, financial and consulting services, and other related businesses are barred from joining due to the inherent conflict of interest. 

The GlomCon Network connects patients and caregivers to exchange experiences, identify local support, and share resources.
Patients and caregivers can also use this Network to find Kidney Disease Specialists or clinical trial opportunities in their area. 

Kidney Disease Specialists and nephrology trainees are locatable via the Member Directory. Patients and Caregivers are NOT displayed and are NOT findable in the Member Directory.
Update Your Privacy Settings: Certain fields in this platform are already set to public and private by the admin. However, you can update your privacy settings to your preferred method.

We aim to create a private and safe space for the community members. 

The mission of GlomCon Network is simple: 
Raise awareness
Help community members find resources to overcome struggles toward better kidney health.


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